
User Guide


Add Tasks

You can add 3 types of tasks: Deadlines, Events and Todo.

  1. Adding a Deadline Task:
    • Adds a task which has to be completed by a specific deadline date.
    • Usage: deadline description /by dd/mm/yyyy (hhhh)
    • Constraints:
      • The description cannot be empty
      • The deadline date must be in dd/mm/yyyy format, eg. 24/08/2020
      • The deadline time must be in 24 hour format, eg. for 11:59 pm input must be 2359
      • The deadline time field is optional.
    • Example command:
      • deadline Submit Report /by 30/09/2020 2359
    • Expected outcome:
      • Great! I've added the following task:
        ` [D][✘] Submit Report (by: Sep 30 2020 11:59 pm)<br> Now you have 1 task in the list`
  2. Adding an Event Task:
    • Adds a task for an event scheduled on a specific date.
    • Usage: event description /at dd/mm/yyyy (hhhh)
    • Constraints:
      • The description cannot be empty
      • The event date must be in dd/mm/yyyy format, eg. 24/08/2020
      • The event time must be in 24 hour format, eg. for 11:59 pm input must be 2359
      • The event time field is optional.
    • Example command:
      • event Presentation meeting /at 30/09/2020 1500
    • Expected outcome:
      • Great! I've added the following task:
        ` [E][✘] Presentation meeting (at: Sep 30 2020 3:00 pm)<br> Now you have 2 tasks in the list`
  3. Adding a Todo Task:
    • Adds a todo task which the you want to do.
    • Usage: todo description
    • Constraint:
      • The description cannot be empty
    • Example command:
      • todo Prepare for vacation
    • Expected outcome:
      • Great! I've added the following task:
        ` [T][✘] Prepare for vacation<br> Now you have 3 tasks in the list`

Listing Tasks

Marking tasks done

Deleting Tasks

Find tasks

You can search for task in 3 ways: find, findtype and scheduled.

  1. Searching for tasks based on keyword:
    • Returns tasks from the ones currently stored based on a keyword to search for.
    • Usage: find keyword
    • Constraints:
      • The keyword cannot be empty.
      • There can only be a single keyword.
      • The search on the basis of the keyword is case-sensitive, i.e. keyword “presentation” will not match “Presentation”.
      • Tasks returned may also contain the keyword as a part of a word, i.e. searching with “sent” will return the task containing “Presentation”.
    • Example command:
      • ‘find meet`
    • Expected outcome:
      • 1. [E][✘] Presentation meeting (at: Sep 30 2020 3:00 pm)
  2. Searching for tasks based on the task type:
    • Returns tasks from the ones currently stored based on a task type to search for.
    • Usage: findtype type
    • Constraints:
      • The type cannot be empty.
      • Type can be of only 3 kinds - D or E or T (standing for Deadline, Even and Todo respectively).
      • The search on the basis of the type is not case-sensitive, i.e. type “d” will match “D”.
    • Example command:
      • ‘findtype T`
    • Expected outcome:
      • 1. [T][✘] Prepare for vacation
  3. Searching for tasks based on scheduling details:
    • Returns tasks from the ones currently stored based on a date of scheduling to search for.
    • Usage: scheduled dd/mm/yyyy
    • Constraints:
      • The date cannot be empty.
      • The date must be in dd/mm/yyyy format, eg. 24/08/2020
    • Example command:
      • ‘scheduled 30/09/2020`
    • Expected outcome:
      • 1. [E][✘] Presentation meeting (at: Sep 30 2020 3:00 pm)

Updating tasks

Exiting the application


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Dobby- Task Manager. The file would be named as “dobbylist.txt”.

Command Summary